Monday, August 16, 2021

Character Development

That's right, folks. Character development occurred, or so I'd like to think. 

This past weekend I accepted that lounging in bed until 10am is also an acceptable use of time, because hell yeah did I enjoy it just lying and rolling reading my trashy mangas and all. 

Who said we had to 'seize the day' everyday? I don't have that kind of energy man, I'm so tired. 

Anyway, I found a book I bought a LONG time ago at my mom's house and I kid you not, it looks so Victorian trashy, I'm giggling just reading the first few lines. Can't wait to dive into this! 

So where's the development? I think I'm starting to understand that it's okay not to min-max my life, reading books and doing my art isn't a waste of time. If I enjoy it, then it's all gucci. There's no need to always think, "Will this help me earn more money in the future?", "Am I better than others?", "Is this a good use of my time, will it be better spent doing something else?" Like oi gurl (fast running out of years to call myself that, or maybe at 25 I already have lol), chill and smell the rain. Just chill. 

So today I'mma read that book 'No Place For A Lady' which I predict will be as trashy and dramatic as my josei mangas and you know what? I'm so excited and looking forward to it which is a nice feeling I haven't had in a while. 

I can't always expect to have this happy feeling of excitement and anticipation, but I think I'll just enjoy it when it does come. Like now, heh. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas

Played overcooked with Sam while Ter napped on my bed.

Received a sweet, sweet voice message from J wishing me Merry Christmas. 

I'm happy ^^

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


I'm not alone.

I'm really, really not alone. 

I am so so loved. And I know that. 

So why is it that at the end of the day, when I lie down in bed, it feels like I'm alone in it all?

I'm being dramatic, of course. I mean, sometimes, when I'm with people, I just want to be alone. But when I'm alone, I want to be with people. 

I think is just me being difficult la. Either way also not happy. 

Tuesday, November 05, 2019


You know how when you listen to a song you haven't listened to in a long while, you get to experience all the emotions you've ever felt when you first heard it all over again?

This just resparked my love for that anime trash Free! Damn. 

Monday, September 23, 2019

Moving on

So much has happened, and I'm just watching from the sidelines like the fool that I am.

I suppose after that, I must truly bid this goodbye. I haven't been the person I should have been for you despite everything that you've done for me.

I'm sorry. I really am. And I know that, at least for a really long time here on, this guilt will stay with me. Deservedly, I guess.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


What a misleading title, I'm not hustling at all.

But. Must. Get. Up. And. Continue. Working.


Come on, you can do it.

There's work to be done.

Wednesday, September 04, 2019


So hungry but no one to eat with.

I hate eating alone outside.