Hello again LOL.
Yess. I'm back from a five minute stalk on my friend online.
Not to mention the 3 second snoop on my dad's phone. >< It was ringing so .. I went to look at the incoming ...whatsapp message thingy.
Thank god iPhones are 'idiot phones' . Otherwise, snooping can get a lil' difficult. =P
So. Like I've said/thought before. Stalking is a great way of .. discovering more about people and realising that they're just putting on a brave front etc.
To be mean, maybe one can say they're being fake to cover up their insecurities. YES I KNOW. I do that too. Welcome my fake friends. LOL. I'm joking. Joking! Really.
And, well. Here are my findings today!
Friend S. Man if she sees this, it's so DAMN obvious. Oh well. I'mma take a risk.
She's feeling insecure again. I was looking for a 'comment' thingy to .. well comment on that post and cheer her up but I couldn't find any. =/
Apparently she likes someone and...well. Same old storyline being played over and over in everyone's life. Afraid that that someone would like someone better. Another prettier, smarter, more attractive person. Thin, too.
Isn't it funny? Ironic, maybe? How she fears that she isn't good enough, that there's someone out there better than her when she herself is that someone I feel is better than me.
I share her exact same fears. Only I know who the 'someone better' is. Her and the other gal friend.
Come on! They are SO popular. SO pretty/cute. Everyone, everyone loves and cares for them. Friendly with them. ( Yeah its my fault on that last one)
But still.
Makes me jealous much ><.
She's afraid of being inferior; when she is the one that makes me feel inferior!
I guess Life is just having fun screwing around with our confidence. One after another. Next thing I know, the uber pretty, cute and popular girl in school is worrying about being ugly and not well-liked.
That'd be really .... dumb.
WAIT. Completely sidetracked.
I was talking about her.
Geez if only writing in my diary were as easy as typing.
Ahem. Anyway.
According to her, she's been bottling up everything and 'sucking up and moving on'.
How strangely familiar. Damnit friend, my bad. Take my advice and don't listen to me.
Yeah I was the one who mentioned 'sucking up and moving on'.
I feel responsible for it. I'm sorry my friend ><. My advice sucks, yeah.
Bottling up messed up feelings is never good. Oh ho trust me, I know.
On the other hand, since my .. feeling-tolerance level is not so high, bottling lesser than what they can makes me want to break down.
Yeah just call me Miss Weak.
No, don't. It's for me, not you.
The good thing is.. she's gonna take responsibility for her life etc. I guess we all have our own different ways of relieving stress and dealing with the shit Life throws at us huh.
Just another reminder to appreciate my life no matter how crappy I think it is, because there is always someone out there who feels the same for other reasons or just have a worse life.
Easier said than done, yeah.
'Don't judge other people's lives because what they are going through is just as difficult for them as it is for you and your life.'
I know, I know. Statement changes all the time but the meaning's still the same.
Okay I shall end here.
Cheers~RockOn \(^-^)