Friday, October 12, 2007

wow! that was some soaker today! thank goodness for mrs choo and her umbrella company!! (wonder where she gets soooooo many umbrellas?!) i'm not kidding! you should have seen the way our mouths hung open when she took out one umbrella after another!!! thanks to the umbrellas, we managed to get hme somewhat dry! the rain stopped around 4.30 though. oh well! exams are coming so i hope I break a leg, like the rest of us, of course. i definately need the luck for my maths and chinese! Genevieve's got a new blog, though i havent seen it yet... should be like that...... oops! gtg! byeeeee

Sunday, July 22, 2007


why? i really just cant help it if i dont like my family sport. am i really their daughter?! "when i see you playing in the court i see a natural player..." and blah blah blah. PUH-LEEZE! I'm trying, ok?! but i really hate sweating like that. sometimes, when i come home frm school, i also thow temper, why? cos i'm sweating like hell, gotta do hmework and clean up the hse and change the rabbit's bedding and clear the dog's poo and blah blah. damn why cant we have a day off frm school?! total unfairness. but it's unfair to EVERYBODY so i can say that. i'm totally tired and no one cares. why should they? they're tired too! and my dad. hmmph! first, he wakes up in the morning and asks me if i can go to school myself. fine! i did it. double hmmph! after i go to school myself, he comes back to me and says, why you dont want daddy to bring you to school? come, tomorrow i bring you to school. get my point? he sleeps soooo late at night although he noes tat he's gotta bring me to school the nxt day. he even told me tat he can only sleep till 8 o'clock in the morning at malaysia. a complaint? fine i grant your wish. it not only benefits you but me. why? i dont have to hear your talking in the morning. and this damn bad habit i gotta kick. everytime i breathe out, a noise comes out too. mom says i gotta get rid of it before people starts thinking i'm mad. i must be reeeeeally desperate to do something if not i wouldn't even bother typing out these. oh well!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

exams are over!!

ahhh...... exams are totally and offically OVER! marks quite good so far no failures! ohlay ahhah!
end of june holidays, goin' to Jeli, kelantan see white tiger etc etc.....
end of may. PERTH !
its like, nxt nxt week?!
see ya people!

Saturday, April 14, 2007


today was a totally strange day...
morning-piano class
after tat walked with ruth around until 10-30 plus
afternoon-play com, talked with jing xiong...
talk until....HE WANT ME TO BE HIS SWORN SIS???!!!
he like desperado sia......beg beg beg call somemore! then finally i told him "anything"then he, yay! call me meimei meimei etc etc......haiyo........
why mei mei?
he 8 days older then me...... dammit why didnt i come out earlier?
nothing else to type ...
till the nxt time!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

yippie! i can go perthsie'! sonya's going too, sonya's going too! and ruth, me and sonya are attending the micromedia mx dreamweaver 2004 on the same thats a great time to chat with both my best friends! too bad pearlyn is joining rui xian on the friday course. oh well!
the date of perth would be 24 may - 29 may. sis birthday is in it!!! and the nxt day after i come back would be sis departure to malaysia for some international squash thingy......
im already thinking wat to pack there, but of course, the exams come first.(ugh!) haix... chinese already so lan, hope can pass man! nothing much actually. mam's at indonasia, dad and sis are at singapore poly playing squash which i definately do NOT like playing. even the com is getting boring cos theres nothing to play. if my parents allowed me and sis to download games, i wouldnt be typing here at all!
at least tonight i will see my cousins! hopefully i haf fun there.
see ya!
yan er

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Chinese New Year

nothing much to say though, chinese new year coming, i'm primary 5 this year,(5.7)and play a new game.....
arrrgh! i dunno whether this year i will go to perth!! im totally bored and my dad keeps bugging me to play squash! i miss my friends, got a new diary, and my pokemon crater dratini just evoled into dragonair. at least im gonna have fun tomorrow!