Friday, April 03, 2009

Aaahhh bored bored bored.....
yay i got back my bio test results.... 24/25 woohoo!!!
got my report card too!! one c5..
chinese... of course!
one a1...maths!(yays)
rest all OK....
yesssss SHI SHUAN
haha he wore it the drama in literature cos he's playing Mrs Parker and OMG he looked so GIRL! im telling you if he wears a wig he's gonna look like a girl!!
the guys were being sick though... haha they kept pushing shi shuan at the chest area... y'know... the CHEST haha they kept trying to lift the skirt but he was wearing his sch. shorts below...
sean even crawled on the floor to try to see beneath the skirt!!!!
then this shi shuan even placed who knows what for the 'oranges'....he seriously looked as if he had boobs!
it was so funny! too bad i dont have a pisture of him in his woman clothes.... or i'll be jumping for joy and showing everyone HAHAHAHAHAHA
haha looks like he beats wee tat in gayness here! haha ( someone tell him? haha )
HEY! just because you're in NPCC or NCC doesnt mean you're better than Girl Guides!!! huh! thinking you guys are better? HAH! Harin cant even remember the commands properly so there!
okok nth much liao... guess i'll stop here then!
see ya people! =)

Friday, February 27, 2009

CA1 no more!

YES no more test!!!                                                                                                                                      
actually still got one more but.... heh heh                                                                                                   
haha today went to macdonalds with ayu, khoriyah, aqilah and sarah... to celebrate, of course! haha        
i actually passed my physics!! just passed, really.. haha 12.5/25 hahaaha                                                  
i was sooooo happy! i kinda expected to fail since i couldnt understand a single damn thing the teacher    was saying in phy. ....                                                                                                                                
pico! nano!! micro!!! tera!!!! giga!!!!! mega!!!!!! deci!!!!!!!                                                                        
How to use micrometer screw gauge! what is a scalar and vector!( like who cares!?!)                                 
anyway after school, three ppl said they lost their nike water bottle... weird!                                            
Shi Shuan didnt look happy but what the heck... Coey and Kazier didnt look that upset!( girls rule!)          
i passed my chinese as well! since it was compo writing i didnt think i'd fail... 29/50... still ok la... i          think!                                                                                                                                                           
Still trying to perfect the piano piece... the ending of the song was horrible! it was like play play play        then pause. find keys. then play play play.... ( wonder if u can understand )                                              
oh shit! just remembered got art homework!                                                                                               
and nxt week got math re-test! ( yea i failed on that one.. 9/20)                                                                 
but that failure wasnt my fault! they anyhow type the negetive sign look like minus sign... haha               
and i still cant find a decent blogskin!                                                                                                        
oh yea btw,                                                                                                                                                 
did anyone see the double rainbow like... two days ago ( i think )? it was sooo cool! i took tons of pictures of it...                                                                                                                                                         
yesterday rain like siao... and gen hse the staircase look like waterfall.. again! took picture of that also... was laughing to myself at the bus-stop when i saw that...

first big fiasco at school yesterday!

some girls including me, were staying back in school to 'clean up' the classroom when one of us went to play with the projector screen...

and what happened?

we tried to pull it right and....

thak!( its a sound not a word! )

we pulled it too hard and it went to its max.


cannot pull back up liao

we tried to put it right again but was unsuccessful...

so someone suggested we call the guys and hopefully they hadnt gone home yet...

so xi en called shi shuan (oh sarah's true love haha) and he came.

of course he couldnt pull it up so no choice we go tell teacher.

then he left with the other boys back to white sands... while we wrote a report on what happened.

hhahahaha cant stop laughing on this one!

we were wondering if we should add the guys name in the report, i mean they didnt doo anything and we didnt want to give them trouble or anything... so we called shi shuan... again.

and wtf?!?! he answered the phone; and he didnt know it!!!!!

we could hear him talking to his friends and he even said " who's phone is ringing? "

we tried all sorts of stuff to try and get his attention

" Ooi!! " , " HEY!!! " , " SHI SHUAN!! " and the best one! " Ooi! Sarah's crying!! "

hahaahaha ( of course he didnt hear us )


shoes were wet wet wet!!!!

aiya gtg alr... talk nxt time ba haha

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

still cant find a nice skin for the blog......
and tomorrow got test test test...
yesterday got cca
all the way till 6.30!!!! (yea girl guides)
reached home at 7 but luckily today sch start at 8.15....
still tired though haha
later tonight then i study for the geog test heh heh heh..... chemistry also hah hah hah.... chinese DUNNID study Mwahahahahaha ( haha )
just found a wonderful japanese song! by nana mizuki.... anyone noes who she is? haha
okok nth much liao.... hahaha will post soon again.... i think. haha
yan er

Friday, January 23, 2009

Waaahhh still got people come my blog... So happy! haha
anyway i had this noticeboard comp and ya dun have to guess..... with someone like me, of course win something la haha jk jk jk...
yes we did win but it wasnt third prize! won for the N.E. board so HAHAHAHA!!!!!! and the prize?
a blue pen. yessir a blue PILOT pen. yay!! much better then any pen or pencil given by gsps!!! so happy!!!!!!!!!!
Found out something today. bus 12 doesnt bring me home!!! thank god for Genevieve!!!
y'noe, i took a cyber addiction test on wednesday.
haha im under the mild catergory scored 40 points. nine more and im under moderate hehe. but abit too high for a cyber retard like me rite? haha
ok running out of things to talk soo..... BYE!!!

Friday, January 09, 2009


Hi!!! yea long time no post.... didn't noe ppl still came to see me blogs hehe...
so how's everyone adjusting to sec life? bit hard for me though hehe.... even went back back to gongshang with genevieve, wai yee, wee tat and hao zheng... but mr poon had to come and fetch us in.
So..... i went to a catholic school and WHAT THE HELL!!!!!
1) no fighting (how common is that type of fighting in gsps?!?)
2) no bad words ( excuse me?!?!?! )
3) report at 7.10 a.m. ( What the?!?! )
4) morning worksheets ( serious overwork!!! )
Anyway..... it ain't too bad there... Jovan Lai's there... Harin's in my class ( today was his first day there ) And so far the work ain't too bad ( so far ).....
And to Jasmine even if she doesn't read this..... hope you're having fun in your new school and dont forget me!
nothing much happened today though.... didn't talk to a single guy in my class other than Harin...
ok then!! BYE!!!