Wednesday, July 04, 2012

At the mall~

So, today I was walking around the mall, looking at the stalls from the hokkaido fair when I realised it. THERE WAS WIND IN THE MALL o.o 
Okay, kind of slow but hey! I'm just that slow person =P 
Anyway I was wondering, why is my fringe blowing away from my face? And ever so slowly my brain processed it as wind. Well it took me a few moments to understand that being in a mall, wind of that sort is non- existent.  
I'm not talking about those 'small-scale'/light breezes, I'm talking about those blowing wind that doesn't die down, with cool air!!!  That is definitely and positively rare in this damn hot country. Man! 
Well, not saying it was not welcomed, no no, it was the best wind ever! 
Just that it took me too long to realise it >< 
Okay, got my Chinese O level oral tomorrow, shall continue practicing my mother tongue! =/
All the best to me! 

Cheers and rock on~
Yan Er