Thursday, February 20, 2014

Bank recon update harhar

Because I got that question wrong damn it. This sure came back to me pretty fast.

My numbers are off by like, 25000.

You had one job.

Bank Recon

Since exams are in a few days, right now I'm just cramming as much revision in as possible. From the title its (somewhat) obvious that I'm doing accounting right now.

I was redoing this tutorial question on bank reconciliation and god I swear this company's accountant sucks.

The question had 8 bullet points telling me what needs to be adjusted etc and 5 of them is the bookkeeper's problem.

Didn't record

Write wrong number.... twice.

My cousin's voice just floated into my head while I was cursing this lousy bookkeeper out loud.

"You had one job." *insert dramatic eye roll.

I totally agree

Saturday, February 15, 2014

It's the day of hearts fluttering down from ... wherever.

So. Valentine's day is finally over with. 

Oops. I mean finally here. But since it's past midnight, I guess the first sentence stands. 


Sigh, typical behaviour. 

In any case, I guess I did have fun today. 

First, class ended earlier at 2pm OH YEAH. 

Then, I played volleyball with the girls, which was way more fun since this time none of the guys were playing. Think I gave myself another blister though, whatever. 

And highlight of the day! Played pool at SPGG with Bryan RJ and Val. Obviously I sucked like hell. RJ carried me for the first game since everything I did missed haha. After that, Val and I played and man did I suck. 

Gave her like so many free balls and even shot one of hers in. Buuuut thanks to beginner's luck (hohoho) I somehow managed to get that last ball before she did. And that Bryan. So biased. Obviously supporting Val the whole way. Tsk. 
Of course I'm jealous LOL. No, not because of him ugh weird much, but because it was like the same when I played with my sec school friends. Everyone tried helping the other girl and left me to try by myself. Which surprise surprise was what happened today too. Of course it's not any of their fault, duh. Can't a girl be jealous-annoyed that she has to figure crap by herself all the time?

Okay a slight exaggeration but yeah whatever. It gets pretty .. well I don't know how to say, when others get extra help when here I am not getting shit either but no one is giving a damn even though we're equally clueless hello.


And oh! On the way home, I saw this really really pretty looking cloud! It had like cyan and light red and green!! And no, I am not colour blind or delusional. (You hear that Mark V. I am perfectly sane and un-drunk hahahaha) 

Cos my Uncle's house had no cold water. My only options were warm chrysanthemum tea or fruit beer. I tried both and the second one won. 

Anyway. I guess it wasn't that bad a day. Considering. (Screw SP's single awareness day. As if I'm not aware enough of my own relationship status psh)

And no, I am not wishing deep down inside oh how I wish I had a valentines blah blah blah. That's troublesome. What I'm wishing for is to play pool with Gen Chia again you hear me girl haha

It's just a weird unwanted feeling since my dad dropped me off in such a hurry, can't blame him since his girlfriend was probably waiting for him. Or me being the only kid there at the CNY dinner, boring much. 

OKAY ENOUGH PARTIAL RANTING. I shall turn in and let's hope the mosquito leaves me alone tonight. 

See, the only thing that really wants me, is the mosquito and I don't want it. Go figure, yeesh. Okay goodnight and Happy (now belated) Valentine's day y'all. 

Friday, February 07, 2014


It's happening again. 

I'm just walking with a group of friends to somewhere, and everyone is busy chatting away. 

Everyone but me. 

It's not as bad as last time but still, I'm pretty surprised to see it happen again. 

I mean, sometimes, I really just want to talk to someone or some person but honestly I have nothing to say. 

For example. I don't like going home alone but if it's just me and some other guy from class, excluding Adam since I know him quite well, I swear it's usually total silence the whole way. 

Obviously I start wondering if it's just me because well other girls don't seem to have any problems chatting away or something. 

Or sometimes I add something or a comment to a conversation and it just stops there. 

It's like, Did I say something wrong?

Inside I'm screaming, "I want to talk!!!!" yet I feel like there isn't much for me to say or I just feel like ... yeah, there's nothing for me to say. 

Everyone was chattering about how Domino's pizza was the best and the only thing I can say about Domino's was, "I don't know, there's a difference?" 

And I don't know if it's jealousy or what but ... oh nevermind. 

I just suck so badly at conversations. 

Believe it or not, sometimes it really takes a lot of effort to keep one going. 

Monday, February 03, 2014

Ugh thanks.

It's so petty. But I really find it annoying.

When the class chat just ignores~~~ all the way whatever you ask and go on with their own stuff. I mean, it doesn't happen to just me and sometimes I do ignore too anyway so I shouldn't be complaining. 


I guess that means that no one knows

Ugh okay I'm thinking a wee bit too much now, as usual. Well yeah, concerning the damn chat group and no, I'm not going to say because spilling out your thinking too much thoughts feels ... I don't know, weak and whiny. 


That moment when you (basically just me, really) realise you're more similar to Okonkwo than you think you'll ever be. 

People in my Lit class will know, haha. Spent so many essays criticizing his weaknesses, so I'm pretty sure I'll know whether or not I'm similar and ah ah ah guess what! Jackpot!

Okay not really, I'm not that extreme like he is but ugh even a little bit of similarity is puke-worthy.


PS. Happy Birthday Ryan! Many happy returns, dreams and memories. Although you won't see this probably forever since you cured yourself of stalking my blog thank you very much.