Saturday, January 21, 2012

I must be really bored to be doing this eh. 
Headache now -.- 
I know I said I wanted to fall sick, but FOR GOD'S SAKE I DIDN'T MEAN DURING THE NEW YEAR! 
Oooo 11:11! 
Okay that's lame. LOL. 
Did I mention the frame I received yesterday? MAN I have no idea where to put it ! 
Okay being 16 is like, no different. 
Doesn't even feel like my birthday was yesterday =o 
Oh well. 
Growing old =/ 
Life gets more boring. 
Okay. Maybe I'll post later. 
For fun obviously. 
No one can stalk me heh. 
THE unknown LOL 
Yeah right. 
As long as they don't find this place! 
OK Gonna go. 

Who else ? LOL 
Don't trust the timing shown below 

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