Sunday, January 19, 2014

Will someone please respond ...

I do not want to stay up late tomorrow and rush out my economics project. 

We were like 3 quarters done before school reopened but now I'm just, "Where is the rest???" 

But is that the best part? 


What the hell is the point of Whatsapp groups for projects when no damn person replies. And I'm pretty sure my Whatsapp is working because I just receieved a message from the class group and was chatting just fine with Bao Xin earlier. 

Goddamn it it's Sunday and it's already 10pm plus! I'm pretty sure whoever has work has already knocked off and whoever has been busy should be free now. 

I posted in two groups. TWO. 

Seriously. For fudge's sake. 

Yoga breathing... however that goes. 

Since 3 effing pm. And I don't want to stay up late tonight. Hello, 8am class. I need my sleep. 

Ugh screw this.

See? Li Shan just replied me. My phone is working perfectly fine.


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