Wednesday, March 05, 2008

abt today..

Yay im using the com again but secretly(im not gonna say who's com) bad today was chinese mock exam...
my math section a upon 50 i got 37....
not bad?
puh-leeze(im telling myself)
nooooo tomorow is science mock exam!!
my simple machines test upon 30 i get 18
not bad huh?
haha.... now is soooo boring... no hmework and no tv show...ah lets go e-buddy...
arrgh everything is loading so slowly...
and several 6.8 ppl came up to me and say hi ah mah....
i'll show fang jie how an ah mah is like haha...
ahhh... delicious food(im eating nw..)
yan er

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Yo yo

hi hi ppl!! i noe i havent been blogging but guess there was nth to do so....
the math mock today wasnt that bad... maybe i improved?
fat chance....
oh have any of you gone to escape thme park recently? (dream on the PSLE's are coming..)
OmG ruth brought me, sonya, shyrah and jorene there and man!! i rode the rides i wouldn't even have thought of riding!!! the flipper and the best; the invertal!!!!
i didnt even noe hw the ride was gonna be until i was about to sit!!!
i felt so reckless and dont care just do attitude!!!you noe, the invertal was going to go; UPSIDE DOWN!!!
the first time i was so scared that i didnt noe we really went upside down!!
the second time: i let down my hair and took out my specs and opened my eyes wide. COOL!!
i could see things upside down! gtg nw!
see ya!