Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Yo yo

hi hi ppl!! i noe i havent been blogging but guess there was nth to do so....
the math mock today wasnt that bad... maybe i improved?
fat chance....
oh have any of you gone to escape thme park recently? (dream on the PSLE's are coming..)
OmG ruth brought me, sonya, shyrah and jorene there and man!! i rode the rides i wouldn't even have thought of riding!!! the flipper and the best; the invertal!!!!
i didnt even noe hw the ride was gonna be until i was about to sit!!!
i felt so reckless and dont care just do attitude!!!you noe, the invertal was going to go; UPSIDE DOWN!!!
the first time i was so scared that i didnt noe we really went upside down!!
the second time: i let down my hair and took out my specs and opened my eyes wide. COOL!!
i could see things upside down! gtg nw!
see ya!

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