Thursday, October 30, 2014

Poly friends

These are just really small things that probably shouldn't bother me but still, I am disturbed.

Like. I just went out to get food and like duh they all knew because I walked across their seats but no one joined me so I just went on alone. Do I have to invite you to come? You can just get up and say something about wanting to get food too right?

Then I get back and sit down.

"oh want to get food?"

Then everyone stands up to go out and buy food. What the hell?

At least Adeline asked if I wanted to go out with them but what the hell?

I just got back like what.

I can't even tell if I'm being too sensitive or what, but recently it just feels as if I'm not really friends with any of them. Like yeah friends and nothing more than that which is just depressing.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hey darling I just came from stalking your blog

I keep thinking about how much my life sucks these days with all the legal shit that's being fought out between my parents. 

Like, life is so bloody unfair right?! 

Then I get pulled back to reality with a simple blog post by my dear friend. Our situations, no matter how similar, cannot and should not be compared together. 

I'm not saying that, "Oh I've got it worse!" 

Ugh please, no. I mean, everyone's hurting just the same so why compare? 

It's really upsetting to read how unhappy she is over him. I wish I could do something for her but it doesn't seem like I'll be able to do much except backstage moral support. 

So hey darling, just gonna let you know that I'm here for you! 

The road ahead is tough and shitty but you'll do jes' fine. I'm saying this because you're you and I just have a feeling that you'll come out of this an even stronger person.

Monday, October 06, 2014

Because I don't care

It is interesting how I don't give a fuck about him anymore. 

It is amazing how ridiculous he can be. 

And it is down downright horrid how he chose her over his own daughters.

Family? Please.

I didn't know that walking out on your own family was so easy for you to do.