Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Judging books

Always see the phrase don't judge book by its cover. 

Usually when i scold/get a little vulgar aka today during training haha people get this super shocked face. 

But like I scold is quite normal leh. Like really. They really never hear before?

Actually.  All my poly friends always feel weird when I scold those because my face doesn't seem to match it.

Calm calm one or poker face or something. Really? Wow my face is really not known to me man. 

So informal today cos after training tired ah. And I wish that this kind of days can go on and on. Those cca people rock you know?

Just that today no one go back with me quite sad ah. Usually whole ride is either I hear Ian talk the whole way or if just me and yu liang then we bullshit some stuff all the way. Fun you know?

Okay almost half my journey done liao. Very stress sia this term. GPA confirm got problem this time one. But no one will believe me.

Aiya.  Reach home bathe then continue stressing. Studies aren't my everything anymore.  I hope. Kk bye. 

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