Sunday, September 01, 2013


Went swimming today, like finally! I was sooooo happy to finally immerse myself in that cool water. Ahhhhh so happy. 

Met Kezia in the morning and took a bus to SAFRA to swim. Actually, it ended up more like playing. Thanks to me, surprise surprise. 

Well, recently I discovered this new and ohmygod totally cool and with cute looking guys anime ( yes hidden otaku inside excuse me ) named "Free!" and is mainly about friendship and swimming, I guess. 

No, I am not attracted to the well defined muscle illustrations in the anime, in fact it weirds me out. I'm more attracted to their cuteness ohmygod. \(^-^)/ 

Anyway. That just amplified my desire to swim since weeks ago but because I'm a girl and have this annoying thing called periods which seems to arrive every single time I want to go swimming. Sigh. 

Oh, back to today. I wanted to try this thing called the dolphin kick for all the wrong reasons. Okay, and one right reason. 

Firstly, the right one because I totally want to learn it mainly because of this~ , well, use the legs to gain distance then my arms won't tire so quickly! That's my reasoning anyway. 

Secondly, the wrong reason which is totally not the main factor why I want to learn it ahem, the guys in the anime look so cool swimming and I wanna swim nice like them too ~  

Ugh. So mainstream. But who cares, I'm a partial ( I think ) otaku so, whatever. Sue me. Those guys are adorable. 

But playing around in the water counts as exercise right? I mean, all the increased resistance in the water would require more force to overcome, no? Or so I like to think to convince myself I exercised. 

But hey, I'm pretty sure I improved! I can swim one length of the pool without stopping! Which okay, I know that sounds really pathetic but come on, I couldn't. So this is an achievement, yay! 

I wanted to go swimming tomorrow again but.. squash training T.T oh well, at least it's still exercise, right? 

I love drifting in the pool so much! 


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