Sunday, October 20, 2013

Goddamn it, I want to swim

Goddamn it, I want to swim. 

It's so freaking hot, which is just perfect for soaking in the water, and I have no one to go swimming with. 

And yes, I do need someone to go with because I suck at swimming so that person can come save my ass if something happens or whatever. Not to mention the company, gosh. Swimming alone is so bloody boring. Yes I've tried before and I don't know how people survive swimming alone. 



It's so damn boring when even your phone becomes... I don't know, inactive? I check Instagram, and it's just ... oh two pictures, wow okay five seconds of entertainment

Then I move on to twitter. Oh look, there's a football match and Steven Gerrad scored his 100th goal or something. Another minute or so of entertainment. 

Next up is tumblr. Which is probably the only nice thing to check in my phone these days, thank goodness for that. 

I mean, it's become so boring that I actually took out my accounting book to redo some questions under Accruals but that just pissed me off after three questions because it's so bloody confusing like ugh just why oh god. 

Okay anyway, I shall go have breakfast of leftover doughnut, yay. 


I still want to go swimming. 

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