Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday Night

Which, by the way, doesn't feel like a Sunday night at all. Why, I barely even feel as if I had a weekend! Today should be a Saturday instead. Why is it not. 

Anyway, I feel so proud of myself today hehehe. I was bored had time today, so I decided to clean up the house! 

It took less than an hour anyway. But I did it more seriously than usual! Like I actually bent over to mop under the chairs properly. How un-lazy of me. Or wait, I think the word is hardworking. Right. Yes. I totally knew that.  Ahem ahem.

Anyway, I feel so sparkly ( not really but I like to be delusional ) clean! The sink is empty, the floor is dust-free, my bed is free of clothes, I fed the dog nice food, my table is messy but clean ( Like, how cool is that ), and the tables! Have been wiped clean! 

I am so proud of my unlaziness hard work.

Ooo, was that a lightning in the sky? I guess I'd better bring a jacket or something to school tomorrow. 

Speaking of which, I should check if there is a MOB CA1 tomorrow... 

Ohmygod. The blackboard says there is! I am so not prepared. 

I mean, come on. Personally, I feel the whole concept of playing Stacko as our CA1 ridiculous. Like, if that pile of cheap plastic topples, it's not just game over but CA1 grades over. Did that make sense? Ah, you get the idea. 

Topple it and you can kiss that A goodbye. 

And fine, the reason I think it's stupid is because I suck at that game. Why else would I avoid that stack of blocks like it's the plague? 

At least judge us on our teamwork based on, I don't know, observations during the game? The whole point is about our behaviour anyway, isn't it! Hell, even playing dominoes would make better sense in my opinion. 

UGH. So not a huge fan of that Stacko. Dominoes are way more fun. 

Well on the bright side, I don't have to lug my computer to school tomorrow! Hooray. 

I guess that's it then, shall turn in for the day. Having this weird headache that came when I was cleaning the house. I'm not even doing something stressful and a headache decides to pop by for a visit. Go figure. 

Oh! One more thing. Good luck for the Mother Tongue A Levels or something tomorrow! Chinese sucks rocks. But y'all do fine, because well, it's such a boring fascinating subject! *Inserts fake cheery voice here*. 

Okay, s'long folks. 


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