Friday, November 08, 2013


A thought crossed my mind as I was folding the clothes piled on my bed. 

I have to clean the toilet today.

I'm actually okay with doing the household chores. Things like sweeping, mopping, washing and stuff. Even cleaning the rabbit bedding's okay. 

But! The toilet!

It's just so ughhh. 

It sounds kind of horrible but it's times like this I really appreciate all the cleaning my Mom had to do over the years by herself. She cleaned the toilet every single day oh god. I wouldn't be able to stand it. 

So. Before I confront my arch nemesis, I just wanted to say THANKS MOM for making the house so clean when you were staying here. It's a little late I guess but better late then never~!

Appreciate the little things she does. Like cleaning the toilet. 

Of course I love and thank her for other stuff, she's not my maid. But today's topic is the toilet. So ... Yeah. 

Okay, bye! 

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