Sunday, November 24, 2013


Sometimes I just scroll through all the social media stuff and see people posting things concerning their problems, especially all the love life and stuff and for some insanely weird reason, this line will run through my mind.

"Why can't I have normal problems like that?"

Then three seconds later, I mentally face palm. Why the hell would I want problems like that??! What, the hell.

It looks like I have to remind myself how incredibly annoying and painful it is to fret over crushes and friendship and etc. For every one small moment of joy comes a ton of pain and unhappiness. Its a package deal.
Maybe its just me, I don't know.

But you know, life's really boring. I mean, sure, I have my problems. Dark ones, apparently. As mentioned by Mark or something. But still, its boring.

You know those times where you hear the message tone been before eagerly texting back a reply to your friend? Just a plain ol' simple conversation the whole day talking nothing but bullcrap to entertain. Yeah, I kind of miss them.

That really stupid smile you get when you read the message because your friend just texted you something lame and she knows you're going to smile at the phone like an idiot because she's already informed you that that's what you'll do. Did that make sense?

School's filled with fun, laughter and giggles. Even though I don't think we're that close at all, they're still pretty awesome.

And then I step into this apartment called home. Retire into my room.

It's like a whole different world. The comfort that should be there is just... different. Weird, maybe.

Oh dear, looks like I'm on a whole rant again.

I know this feeling. And I'm not liking it.

But what to do, can only suck it up and move on. 

I'd pray to god but I'm not religious. So maybe my dreams will be kind to me, let me dream of all the good things at night at least.


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