Friday, February 07, 2014


It's happening again. 

I'm just walking with a group of friends to somewhere, and everyone is busy chatting away. 

Everyone but me. 

It's not as bad as last time but still, I'm pretty surprised to see it happen again. 

I mean, sometimes, I really just want to talk to someone or some person but honestly I have nothing to say. 

For example. I don't like going home alone but if it's just me and some other guy from class, excluding Adam since I know him quite well, I swear it's usually total silence the whole way. 

Obviously I start wondering if it's just me because well other girls don't seem to have any problems chatting away or something. 

Or sometimes I add something or a comment to a conversation and it just stops there. 

It's like, Did I say something wrong?

Inside I'm screaming, "I want to talk!!!!" yet I feel like there isn't much for me to say or I just feel like ... yeah, there's nothing for me to say. 

Everyone was chattering about how Domino's pizza was the best and the only thing I can say about Domino's was, "I don't know, there's a difference?" 

And I don't know if it's jealousy or what but ... oh nevermind. 

I just suck so badly at conversations. 

Believe it or not, sometimes it really takes a lot of effort to keep one going. 

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