Monday, February 03, 2014

Ugh thanks.

It's so petty. But I really find it annoying.

When the class chat just ignores~~~ all the way whatever you ask and go on with their own stuff. I mean, it doesn't happen to just me and sometimes I do ignore too anyway so I shouldn't be complaining. 


I guess that means that no one knows

Ugh okay I'm thinking a wee bit too much now, as usual. Well yeah, concerning the damn chat group and no, I'm not going to say because spilling out your thinking too much thoughts feels ... I don't know, weak and whiny. 


That moment when you (basically just me, really) realise you're more similar to Okonkwo than you think you'll ever be. 

People in my Lit class will know, haha. Spent so many essays criticizing his weaknesses, so I'm pretty sure I'll know whether or not I'm similar and ah ah ah guess what! Jackpot!

Okay not really, I'm not that extreme like he is but ugh even a little bit of similarity is puke-worthy.


PS. Happy Birthday Ryan! Many happy returns, dreams and memories. Although you won't see this probably forever since you cured yourself of stalking my blog thank you very much. 

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