Saturday, February 04, 2012


Ughh here we go again. 
I'll be nice ~. I hope. 
And I do wish this comp won't lag. 
Like when I type 'enter'. Dude! I haven't used you for days. Compared to when I was playing my games all the time, this is holiday. Be nicer to me comp ~
Holy shit. Since when did my enter button turn into a backspace?! 
OMG. Okay comp. I'll stop singing in front of you if that's what you're being pissed about .. 
Wait!! Totally sidetracked from what I was going to say. 
... Okay dude-comp. Stop being so random! 
Ahem forget it. 
Nice timing man. Just when I was wondering if you're done making use of me, you come back all upset and expecting the 'treat ppl how etc.' 
Hm. This is totally public so pray no one sees this random crap. 
Yeah I could just put it in drafts but .. where's the satisfaction in that! LOL. No sense. OK NVM HAHA. 
Holy crap this comp is really random. 
But since well .. i dunno .. 
OKay forget it, gotta go unc's house soon. When my sis wakes up HAHA
OMG Worse nightmare ever. What if my mom discovers this site?! SCREWED MAX. 
OKAY not gonna think about that. 
Cheers~Rock on \(^-^)/ 
Not really, actually. 
Oh well~

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