Thursday, June 12, 2014

Being blur

I've been hearing this alot lately from my family, that I don't pay attention to my surroundings when I'm with them and well, duh, that's completely true.

My only defence is that when I'm with samantha, I become a little less blur because she is just as blur as I'm am (sorry Sam).

So i thought that maybe when I'm with friends, I'm like more alert or something but nooope I guess not.

After training yesterday we ended up touring redhill-commonwealth no thanks to Ian and JS and on obviously had to cross/jaywalk many roads.

And for almost every small road we had to jaywalk, I didn't notice the car round the corner and YuLiang had to stop me. Way too many times. Because after a while I stopped looking out for cars.

Man I'm horrible.

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