Thursday, December 26, 2013


Right now, I'm fangirling over Saiyuki. 

Ohmygoddd they are so so so so so cute! 

Ahem. Anyway. 

Because of my recent obsession with them, I decided to try drawing Kenren from Saiyuki Gaiden. 

Obviously I'm not posting the photo because that takes work. Well, maybe I will but moving on. 

He was so darn difficult to draw oh man. I ended up completing like his eyes and nose before giving up. 

Yeah, yeah. Rome wasn't build in a day.

I will might get to finishing it ... some day. 

What? Rome wasn't build in a day. *wink* 

A bad wink if anyone tried imagining that. I can't wink well. And when I actually succeed, it looks so weird! Like awkward-ish and just ... unglam. So please, for the sake of your eyes, imagine some hot person doing a perfect wink instead. 

Like JiaWei winking when playing murderer. HEH. That one was funny. So unglam but so hilarious, but I digress. 

Did I use that right? Ah whatever. 

Anyway. What was I saying? Drawing, right. I was drawing. And then I realised just how much I missed drawing for the sake of drawing. What I mean is, recently, I've been drawing for the sake of colouring. 

Had this colouring craze. Just wanted to use my colour pencils and water colour it all! It was so damn fun. Trying to do shadows and all that. 

Before I realised it, I started drawing because I'm so eager to colour them. I couldn't wait until my drawing was complete so I could ink and colour them. 

Just now, because the starting of Sakura no Ki no Shite was stuck in my head, some really sad sounding song but so awesome, I decided to draw in my smaller sketch book and bam. I realised that it's been a while since I last drew... for the sake of drawing(?). Like, the intended ending was for it to be a black and white piece, not coloured. 

And oh man it felt so good to be concentrating on drawing itself and not rushing through to finish so I can colour it. 

I guess even sometimes for the things you enjoy doing, you forget all about the process itself. (?) 

I don't know what I'm saying. 

Oh to hell with the deep sayings and all that. 


Drawing feels damn good. I love drawing. 


PS. Kenren and Tenpou is so hot.

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