Sunday, December 08, 2013


I am so so so soooooo annoyed. And pissed. And annoyed.

Firstly, my sum got robbed twice and when her savings and everything is like, less than 1k. Damn you robber Avery sage who has no compassion for a poor sim living on so little.

And then. My game crashed a few times before I could save it. Which means, oh so lucky me has to replay the game again to get to where I was before the cursed game crashed.


But is this the end? Oh noooooo.

I made friends with a really pretty sim and I decided she and my sim will become gal bffs or something ( so bimbotic, I know ) but I forgot that I didn't turn off vampires in my game. Guess what. She became a vampire oh my god. But that's not the worst of it, at least her skin isn't all pale and pasty.

But wait! There's more!

I had to search and all that for a sim that looked decent enough (I'm not even asking for good looking) to date my sim so I can hurry up and expand the family. And through her (haha) online dating I found this okay okay looking guy and was like YEAH MAN I GOT ONE!

That is, until I made my sim go out with him and discovered that he's attached damn that effer how dare he still friend me on that dating thing when he's married that pervert that cheater that two timer.

Looks like I'll have to (yes) set my house on fire and get together with the fireman instead. What? Its easier and better than getting someone to rob the house so i can meet a policeman. Welcome to the life of Sims people.

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