Saturday, December 07, 2013

Little things

Strange how little things can influence your mood. Take two days ago for an example; the sky that morning was such a clear baby blue that I couldn't help but smile looking at it. (Before the econs paper screwed up my mood damn it.)

I'm sure there're many other examples, just that I cant remember. Like the cool December breeze in the morning oh man I love it so much its so awesome. Or watching the sunlight bounce off the vivid green leaves of the trees. When I'm in an AC room of course, not sweating outside with the sun reflecting off me.

Or just now, when my dad passed me his wallet to pay for a drink. I caught a glimpse of an old photo of my dad holding my sister and me back when we were really young.

Maybe its weird but it made me feel a little happy, or reassured at least. Reassured that my father actually does still care and love us both even if we dont feel a hint of it anymore.

That, of he just likes how he looks in that photo. Come on, it is a possibility.


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