Sunday, September 15, 2013

Totally Bored

Being totally bored now isn't exactly something I should be complaining about now since I'll be extremely busy once school reopens. 

Yet, I am feeling bored! Which totally sucks. 

However, I do have a solution! I decided to make myself hungry by watching food videos, yes I am an idiot, on because the chef there is funny and his food comes out looking awesome. 

Since I have so much time on my hands, I thought I might as well try out some of the simpler sounding recipes and up my cooking skill. I mean, if Sims can improve their cooking skill level by just watching cooking shows and cooking all the time, why not in real life? Isn't Sims supposed to emulate the perfect life?

Wait. I just said emulate perfect life. (If i used the word emulate correctly that is) Well... then obviously it won't exactly work here in real life where sadly nothing is perfect. In any case, it has to work to a certain extent, right? 

Yes, I am just going to go with that. And no, I'm not obsessed with Sims to the point of bringing it to real life. I mean, some things in real life reminds me of Sims, like oh that person is angry, he probably has the angry moodlet. Or, that person just achieved something and has the Fulfilled moodlet. Mind you, it reminds me of it, but I don't go pasting squares of moodlets around me when I feel happy or sad. 

It's too much work anyway. 

I'm kidding, really. 

Anyway, the peach cobbler I tried has been in the oven for about 10 minutes or so I guess and well, I'm still awaiting the results of it and whether it turns out edible or not. Hopefully it does! 

Okay shall go back to.. I have no idea what. 


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