Friday, October 11, 2013

It's been a while

I haven't been posting for one reason; laziness.

But anyway, here I am! Posting because.. I don't know why. 

I just thought I'd document the latest incident between my sister and my Grandmother, which ended up with rather favorable results. I'm so unfilial. 

Basically, since I'm too lazy to remember the whole thing and you shouldn't air/dry/you-get-the-idea your dirty laundry outside-kinda-thing, I'll just sum it up to They argued. 

The end

The result? She stopped calling me everyday at 830pm and dripping poison in my ear. Thank goodness. 

I love my sister. I was going crazy listening to her mutter insults everyday. 

Oh well. 

Anyway, I'm getting lazy now. So I shall stop soon! 

As in, stop now.

The gentle wind caresses
and the kind clouds defends us
Taken aback, the sun retreats 
and halts it's relentless heat.

Okay whatever, there's good weather here now! Might as well enjoy it. 

Okay, bye folks.

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