Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Happy endings rock

Today didn't go well.

First was probably my fault, should have left for school earlier. Anyway, I ended up rushing a little which sucked because my legs were still aching from Monday's running.

Then, was FMA's tutorial. Basically, I didn't get shit if what he was rambling on and on about. To think accounting's one of my options for year three ...

But wait! Right after that was QA lab and oh tadahh decision trees! Dumb diagram. So bloody confusing.

But wait! There's more! Immediately after QA was gen ed which (mind, QA was at T22) was at main library level 4A. Not only did I have to rush there, I almost got lost. Way to go.

But wait! Gen ed dragged on about 10 mins extra which was seriously bleh because ISPP sucks, I don't care about what I'm studying. Plus, I had another class back at ... wait for it... T21!

Keep waiting! Because it started raining and I had to take a different route to avoid the rain, which didn't really work because I got a bit desperate and walked in the rain a bit.

The waiting ends here kinda because right after jap class, I had cca which I was as usual reluctant to go. Strangely though, this time, it was cca that made this whole damn Wednesday so much happier.

Chatted over dinner, played bridge, walked this ridiculously longer way back to the Mrt, bickered with my senior Sherman, laughed at each other, suffered PT... yeah, it's definitely a happy end to an annoying day. =)

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