Saturday, September 05, 2015

Step deep (warning it's really step one)

As the lids fall shut and the world turns dark, I heave a sigh and submit myself to the swirling currents of my thoughts.

As sleep creeps closer and reaches out to me, will the currents slow and still itself, or drown and consume me?

As dreams are woven by sleep herself, will she choose to line it with silver and gold, and present me an offering of a peaceful night, or will she line it with coal, dark and coarse, rough and unforgiving to torment my wearied mind and deprive it of a good night's rest. 

As day breaks and the sun rises, the waters turn calm and still. Gone are the torrential waves that seek to occupy and consume the mind, gone is sleep, whatever mischief she was up to before, gone is the cold darkness and come light once more.

Yet beneath the surface of the deep blue sea, not too far, merely a hand's reach, there lie the thoughts lurking quietly, biding it's time until night falls once more.

Tell you step deep already. I clap for myself, wah so deep also can post. Thick skin level max 1000 hahahaha. Goodnight everyone ~

Yan Er

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