Monday, August 12, 2013

I'm Posting this because Ryan said so

The title sounds pathetic but whatever. 

I created you 
like I did with many others
to aid me in my life
with fair trades in mind

I created more of you
and a system to go along
everyone loved you 
and the wonders you brought

I continued creating
myself not knowing 
that a new feeling 
was slowly molding

I didn't slow my creation
sped it up in fact 
still oblivious
that my tainted love was growing

I controlled my creating 
so your value would grow
driven by the new feeling 
only I didn't know

I created and controlled
 for I wanted your value to grow 
denying that what drove me
was greed, not so new anymore

I created you 
your parent, if you may 
but I didn't see 
what you slowly turned me to be 

I created you
made you indispensable 
but continued pretending 
that I was the one creating 

As you crinkle in my fists
and jingle in my pocket
the facade slowly slides
and I come to realise 
that somehow it was you
who ended up creating me. 

If no one gets what this is refering to, I don't blame you because it's by me so it's not good haha. 

Anyway. Happy figuring out the inside meaning. 

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