Thursday, August 08, 2013

I'm really sleepy now

Played LoL instead of studying today, as usual. 

So screwed for my exams oh godd. But it's so boring! I don't feel like studying my FoM. 

Anyway. Went out for dinner at Changi Airport Astons and ate some kinda spicy ish chicken thing. Which was nice! Just kinda.. well. Spicy.

Ohh had that annoying BC Mock presentation today which was so depressing. Like my hand gestures were awkward and my slides were boring. And. And. ARRGH BC SUCKS. 

So irritating. 


Went home and played LoL but today was just an anyhow play game day. Like the first game, me and Ryan went to play custom games to try out characters we've never tried before. I tried to do support but.. yeah, kinda failed. As usual. 

But it wasn't  that bad! I mean, I helped. Yes. I helped. My shots did not miss. I was so supportive. 

Fine, so maybe my skills did miss a little. Just a bit. 

Who am I kidding. HAHA. I tried Nami and I missed her first skill big time. Ryan was all " YOU MISSED " and I'm like "YES I KNOW " 

Then we customed another game with Bryan and Mark V. which was totally depressing as well since I was up against Mark. Again. Who totally exposed my weakness. 

Failure to perform under pressure.. or something like that, you get the point. 

Sadly, I couldn't really deny that because it;s kinda true. Not just in a game point of view but in all aspects of my life, haha! 

Well not all  but most. Which is sad enough already. 

Anyway. I tried another new character after that which I totally sucked at but I still had some fun. Part of it was due to me killing the enemy's last champion, dashing Mark's hopes of a penta kill. 

I apologise for that, but I'm not sorry I killed that bugger. Like come on, my score looked so bad. It was a much needed kill to lift my spirits. 

What am I even saying haha. Think the brain's fried already, like so tired now. 

Tomorrow confirm panda eyes one. Oh well. 

Night all, thanks for the company, especially on such a depressing day like today. 

Sleep with a smile, and hope that tomorrow things will get better. 

I hope. 

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