Sunday, August 11, 2013

Study Week

Study week hasn't even started and I'm bitching about it. Why not? It is so bitch-worthy. 

It is so ironic. On the first day of study week, we have a test. A freaking test. Because the word 'study' totally means 'test'. 

But that's not the end of the irony. Whether or not it is an irony, I'm calling it an irony. So there. On Wednesday and Friday, it's presentations galore. 

Well that might be a bit of an exaggeration but seriously. Testing me on my speaking skills during STUDY  week? Man, these people really have to check what study really means. Unless I'm actually wrong, then that'll be embarrassing. But I don't think so. 

The next bit is kind of ( actually it is but I'm comforting myself here ) my fault but I have yet to even complete half  of my ITB project which is due on Friday, complete with the written report and ppt slides. Which has to have a video to entertain, a music clip to bore people to sleep, wonderful awe-inspiring ( they don't actually have to be ) pictures, wonderful and not irritating at all animations. 

Animations. Animations! 

I hate those. Mine never look nice. Of course that's not the reason why I hate them. It's just a coincidence. Yes, it is. Don't judge. 

I find them bloody troublesome. ARRGH. And all that hyperlink crap to add in. 

To sum up, I am so screwed!  

Here's to a week of hell,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jiayou Yan Er! The week won't be so bad! Just enjoy the little things yeah? ^^

- You blog's biggest fan!