Saturday, June 08, 2013

My best guy friend is the best for a reason.

Okay on that last post I kinda said that my best guy friend wasn't being 'caring' and all that? I take it back. 

Here's what happened. On Wednesday last week, I was supposed to meet up with Shu Ang to study Accounting together at BK but I was out of money, so off I went to the ATM. 

BUT. The bloody ATM ate my card so off I went to the bank for a new one. I was praying that the bank wouldn't be crowded (and it wasn't, I'm just picky) but there was a full queue oh my god. I thought to myself, " Hey no biggie, queue could be worse than this." Desperate to get my card since my wallet was completely void anything related to money, I just decided to queue and informed Shu Ang that I would be late. 

Probably five minutes after I started queuing, my body decided to remind me that I was still sick. Of all times. -.- The AC suddenly felt unbearable and my head was beginning to feel lightheaded and I knew trouble was coming. In reality, all I thought was "Shit are you kidding me! Not again oh god." 

Not caring about the judgmental people in the bank, I just slouched and bent over like a hunchback while leaning on the wall, thank heaven for the wall. Man I was feeling horrible. After a long while, I decided to inform Shu Ang that nope no way I'm going to study out, I have to go home and rest real quick! I quickly called him with the hopes that he would be able to, oh I don't know, help a little since he was the closest person I knew in Tampines and available. 

The response? " K bye. " And that was before I could try explaining anything. Maybe the frustration gave me strength to think a bit about what to do next, I can't say for sure haha. But in any case, I prayed that my best guy friend was awake and at home in Pasir Ris and sent him a message informing him I was unwell and at the bank so " if anything happens, that's where I am " 

Not long after, I was served and got out of that place with the same lightheaded feeling. Unsure if it had to do with sugar levels or something, I decided to just drag myself to Macs and get a drink. Obviously I wasn't thinking straight, because instead of a drink screaming HIGH IN SUGAR like Coke, I got Milo. Way to go, haha! 

Then, I got a message from Adam telling me to stay where you are and gosh imagine my surprise! I was like thinking, that dude is going to drag himself all the way here? 

And drag himself he did. One of my best friends on earth heard I wasn't feeling too good at the bank and came over to help me if needed and check if I was fine. Nothing can describe how touched I was! 

Thankfully, I was feeling better after getting out of that place and drinking some milo so I suggested lunch and we settled down for PastaMania before walking around a bit and then heading back home. 

But this isn't the end of it. 

Just the other night, he called to 'check up' on me, ask if the fever's still there and all that, any rash. I got suspicious and a little worried since it's the first time he's ever done that (don't scare me dude!) but he called just for that and it really made my day. =) 

So to the best guy friend ever whose belated birthday card is still non-existent, thanks for everything during my whole two weeks plus of being sick! When I say that ' you're the best ', I really mean it! =D 

Okay shall continue about today another day, maybe tomorrow? =P 

Yan Er   

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