Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Not so bad after all!

Today wasn't so bad, had a lot of fun but right now I'm like just really really tired. The worst thing is, I have training tomorrow and project work in the west. Kill me. 

I'm just kidding. About the killing part. 

Anyway, today, I met up with Samantha who agreed to accompany me to Giant to find a pair of cheap track pants for my camp next week since sadly, I have none. Or more like I threw out the pair I used in Secondary 3 foolishly believing that I would never have to use it for overseas trips ever again. I guess that goes to show that women's intuition isn't always right! 

So we took bus 168, which according to my sister would bring us there, but had no idea which stop to alight. Thankfully, Sam decided to double check with iris and we managed to get off the right stop before hitting the TPE. 

A rare moment where iris actually helps. 

Upon alighting however, instead of making a beeline to Giant to get the chore over and done with, we, like typical teenage girls, decided that we were hungry and should stop by IKEA first to get some food and other things while we were at it. After 'ooo-ing' and 'ahh-ing' over some stuffed toys on display in IKEA, we finally settled in the cafe and shared a meal of meatballs and soup, which was surprisingly very filling! 

I would love to post a photo here, but unfortunately, android isn't very user-friendly to me. Hopefully, I can figure out just exactly how to transfer photos to this computer...

Okay, while the device is installing or whatever, let me continue. =) 

Oh okay here! 
Meatballs from IKEA! 

After that, we walked around IKEA to 'digest our food' and I almost completely forgot all about the track pants I had to get. 

Finally at Giant, we found some track pants but holy crap they were so ugly. And more importantly, they made me look SO FAT. Okay not trying to be a bimbo about this, but seriously! It was so ugly and so fat. I couldn't stand them. 

Thank god I found another pair that fitted better on me and didn't make my legs look like walking chicken drumsticks. 

After checking out, I noticed they were having this book sale thing, $5 for a book! Being the cheapos we are, Sam and I began browsing through the whole mess of books and surprisingly, she found one and bought it! Her very first book bought by herself. *So proud of her* =)) 

Back in Tampines, we went to the specs shop near my house ( downstairs actually ) and spent around an hour looking and trying on different frames. In the end, my sister popped by and helped me decide on one, frameless! It was kind of pricey, but oh well! 

Went window shopping with Samantha after that while waiting for the guys to finish swimming so that we could have dinner and after waiting for them for a half hour after the time we were supposed to meet, we settled down for dinner at the food court before parting ways. 

I am so not looking forward to my Batam trip next week. I mean, come on, I don't know anyone there! And four days? Ugh. I am a city girl, not one who embraces the wilderness. Nope, never! 

Before I end, I shall post more photos because I think it's fun to post photos! 

Actually stepped into Crocs -.-

Yes, I cam whore only with friends because I have no self cam techniques. 

Oh and Gen, no need to thank me for the nail addiction ;) I would be too, only I'm way too lazy to be addicted to that! 

Yan Er 

1 comment:

Gen said...

I HATE YOU BABE. WHY WHY WHY? Speaking of which, should I do the purple you gave me next?