Monday, June 10, 2013

Wasn't as bad as expected.

The computer is a great laxative I swear. Anyone with constipation should just sit and relax in front of a computer and whoosh, problem solved! 

Okay that was random and maybe a little too much information, heh. 

In any case, I thought that I would take a mini break from doing my econs ( Q1a haha ) and breathe some life into my usually dead blog! 

Today wasn't so bad a day; the only downside was the horribly long train rides from the east to the west. I honestly cannot understand how the westerners can sit in a bus or a train for hours travelling in the same state and not feel like dying. Well, not literally, of course, but you get what I mean. 

In the end, I was late for my training in Clementi but it wasn't a bad thing. When I reached the courts, I realised that they had just finished doing court sprints ( something that I hate and absolutely suck at ), big sigh of relief! After that, we just spent the next one hour or so training our backhand stroke but for the second half hour, the seniors introduced a new rule to the court; if our ball didn't land beyond the middle line on the court floor, it was 5 push-ups, and if we managed to hit behind the service box, he would do one push-up. 

Obviously, we all ended up doing a whole lot of push-ups, including myself. Yeah, I know that lobbing the ball would save my arms, but it ended up being out, so it was still 5 push-ups, clumsy me. On the plus side, Sherman had to do 40 push-ups in total! It wasn't so bad after all. 

After training, I rushed to Dover to meet my group mates at FC 4 and downed my lunch as quickly as I could before our long trek to the main library in the hot sun. Thank goodness I was already sweaty from the training earlier! 

As soon as we settled down, I trudged back to Moberly to take a quick shower before heading back to do our project on, yes, Crocs.  

It is still beyond me why such hideous ( personal opinion here, no bashing please ) clogs cost a minimum of $39.90. Then again, what do I know about consumer wants and fashion? 

Although it is generally agreed that any teenager sporting the classic Crocs clogs would be judged the instant light reflects the image of the shoes into our eyes. Don't tell me otherwise, we all know that's true. Most of the time. 

In any case, their company website was pretty informative, which made life a whole lot easier, so thumbs up for that! Good thing they're well-established, again for reasons beyond my understanding seeing that I'm so biased.

Oh before I end, let me write down/share what I read from my dear friend Genevieve's wordpress because the sayings are so nice and I'm afraid to forget them! 

To be alone does not mean being lonely, and to be lonely does not mean being alone.  "


"Tomorrow is another day."

I would do the Harvard style citation that my school insists we use, but I have no idea how. According to her, the first one's from a book I know not what, and the second is from the "Scarlet Letter" if I'm not wrong, since it's Scarlett O Hara saying it. 

Okay, deep sayings saved for another time. It's back to work for me! 

Yan Er 

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