Friday, June 14, 2013

Romance and Stuff

Being a relationship has really changed the way I view romance in shows and books. Whether or not for the better is a whole other thing. 

Oh, and may I take this moment to credit this blog's inspiration to the movie 'Flightplan', which starts out with the death of the main character's husband. 

So back to what I wanted to say. In the past, or more specifically last year, I would have turned my nose up at romance novels. One example was Twilight when it first came out when I was Primary six. Everyone was into that book and I thought, why not try and join in? 

However, the moment I heard that it was about romance ( according to my classmates then, I only heard about the vampire part a year later or so ), I rejected the very idea of poking my nose into that book. 

Cheesy lines and oh so romantic stuff made me shiver and fidget in discomfort. The whole idea of it was just... bleh. Even having crushes made me feel uncomfortable. Thinking about it now, it seems like I was really a weird person! 

Moving on from there, I became more and more cynical towards people in relationships and the whole concept of luuuurve. Maybe it was because of my parents' situation, who knows? Romance didn't appeal too much to me and PDA (holding hands included) really made me annoyed. 

Okay at this point, maybe you're thinking that I'm just jealous or what. Hmm, a worthy point to consider, but I was really against relationships in secondary schools so, that's probably out. 

Buut that's not the point. The point here is that I was cynical about the whole luurve thing and stuff when coming across such things in books or shows, I would simply roll and eyes flip the page or forward the movie.

One change though, in upper secondary, I started to show interest in (eeks) high school romance mangas. What can I say? They're adorable! 

So this continued all the way until I got asked out and started behaving the exact same manner (holding hands) as what i had criticized my whole life. Quite a change, huh? Unknowingly, my mindset was changing. 

I realised this when I was reading Mitch Albom's 'Five people you meet in heaven' and felt so sad for the man when his wife died, sad in a way I had never felt before. ( Usually I'd be 'okay that's sad, but let's move on with life people'. Mean, yes I know.) This time however, I felt so sad that when he got to meet his wife in heaven, I felt so happy for him and touched that even after so long, he still loved her so much. 

So, back to Flightplan. At the beginning of the show, all I could think of was how horrible the wife must feel, having to see her husband dead and yada yada yada. 

Yes I'm getting tired of feeling all the luuurve and romance and stuff. But you get the idea. I've changed, end of story. 

I guess you can say that I'm more feeling now, and not that sadistic. In a way.

Now, I shall return to watching Flightplan which thankfully has no romance in it because otherwise, I would be squirming throughout the whole movie. =) 

Yan Er 

1 comment:

Gen said...

Aww my baby is all grown up! Me thinks it's time to get them sappy love quotes out again!