Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Poker card PT

Last night kena poker cards PT.


Because the last time we did that, coach shuffled and we had to do 3 mins plank in total, she decided to let one of us shuffle.


Yu Liang's shuffling sucks.

Apparently at one point of time we had to do 40 tuck jumps in a row because of the picture cards and I remember hearing a lot of "7 more!" For like toe touches or something.

And! There were two picture cards (aka repeat previous action)  after the plank card. Since each deck has two jokers (joker=plank), we did like, 4 mins plank in total. More than three quarters i cheated of course.

I'm exhausted. 8 am class after that sigh how to survive all the deserts in CI later you tell me.

But it was fun! ^^

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