Thursday, July 17, 2014

Too little already

Like really leh.

Today I ate two small sushi rolls thingy, the small round one that always pack in 6 yeah I had two technically for breakfast.

Thennn... apple juice during QA...

Then chawamushi during this rare Wednesday break.

Insert long walk from business block to main library because I was a bit early and it was too bloody hot to not be in air con.

Then gened which I didn't really care about and well I hope the teacher doesn't hate me for expressing my absolute honest opinion about next week's seminar....

Then watched the squash guys read about dota for a few mins lol yes really I did, weird right.

Then apple juice again plus pocky and hello panda during jap class before going for cca. (Insert listless drills and hellish running because I cannot run at all).

Then finally, sprite on the way home and instant noodles with egg for dinner.

MAN I need some meat or something. Eat so little but exercise so much.

I deserve some nice snacks/food tomorrow right!

Okay goodnight!

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