Friday, March 30, 2018

Good hell I am so royally screwed

So normally I would be writing this in my diary, but since the computer is right in front of me now and the diary is somewhere in the shelf above, this wins hands down.

Also, the existence of this blog was reminded to me by a dear friend so I guess this won't die out just yet!

YES am I so (I cursed in my mind and I typed it out but to maintain the non-existent image of my non-cursing self I shall not use it) screwed for this! I wonder if I can still pass this mod at the rate I'm going.

Pragmatics? Syntax? Do I know these??

Good hell I don't know what I'm doing in this major, or actually, what am I doing in university???

I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Or studying. GAH. HELP.

Okay, okay. I need to seriously chill before I go into full panic mode and that is not somewhere I want to step into again. Hell no.

BREATHE. Let us just introduce the origin of the word first okay Er. 一步一步来。

Okay. Yup. Everything will be fine, it's all good! ^.^

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