Sunday, March 18, 2012


So I just realised that.. I can insert pictures! 
Okays that is like damn slow.. but anyway! As you can see --> 
yeah? My mood's like that now =P
That's my dog by the way! She's sooooo adorable! XP  
Now I can put pictures, yay! Time to start spamming the ipod. HEH. 
 Nice? HAHA. I don't even remember where this is. Just some overhead bridge that I passed by with Gen that day when we decided to take bus 21 to as far as possible. I wonder what I used to edit the photo....

Well I'm just putting random stuff here now, things that appeal to me, heh. 
Sam and me in China on some boat ride .. It was hard to take this picture! Bad lighting and all that >< 

One of the lunches in China. Mostly people from my class! Became quite good friends with one or two of them after the trip ^^ I love such bonding HAHA. 
And as you can see, we didn't finish the food heh =P It was hard to! In fact, we never did =o I swear everyone lost weight after that trip! 
Okay, I shall do a bit of stalking before hitting the hay. 

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