Saturday, November 16, 2013


Seriously pissed and frustrated.

I was prepared have lunch and dinner with my mom today and tomorrow but its all screwed up now. Mentally cursing now seriously.

First, tuition today cancelled because of some, I don't know, LAST MINUTE update that there's some noisy renovation or what work at the center. Too noisy to conduct class.

Can we postpone to tomorrow afternoon.

Excuse me. Its a damn Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. I treasure my Sundays okay. Its family day. No one should have to work on that day.

Plus, I was planning to eat lunch with my mom. Now.its all just ruined. I was really looking forward to eating with her.

Its so damn disappointing and frustrating. I just want to eat a meal with my mom. Can't you just let me have it?
Yeah yeah I can hear it now. It's working life, DEAL WITH IT.

Hell no. It's my family time. Why should I have to suck it up for work.

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