Wednesday, November 20, 2013


A pretty normal day filled with fun and laughter, as usual! 

Strangely, it should have been the most long and tiring day of the week (though I think Friday will probably win now) since we had essentially no breaks today. Our lunch break got eaten up by our accounting cher since she needed to do some makeup lesson from 12 to 4. 

4 hours! 

I came to school specially prepared for that. Yesterday, I went to Cold Storage to buy that awesome chocolate covered jelly sweet thingy which was kinda pricey but still, awesome. So during class, me and Eva just sat there snacking and doing work. 

Which for once I managed to understand BOOYEAH. 

I got my accounting right man ~ 

After school, we stayed back to do stats and thank god we did. If I read those ten questions at home, I probably wouldn't have understood crap from it and given up. Seriously. How in the great blue world am I supposed to know what formula to use? It is so damn confusing. 

We all felt like dying after reaching the fifth question. But thankfully the other five were a lot shorter. THANK GOODNESS. I would have died doing stats if there were more questions to do. I was kinda close to throwing a tantrum at all that dumb questions but well, I controlled. Not bad, huh? 

Anyway, we decided to just quickly rush home but on the way, Ryan suggested going to the EXPO to look at some shoes and I went along with him and Adam since well, going home alone isn't fun. 

I was feeling pretty tired by the time we reached there but watching them was really fun. Since I still have to practice my DBE, I'll cut the long story short. They hunted through piles of shoes (Vans, if I may add) before finally finding a decent pair for Adam. 

Then came the more exciting product; food. 

I swear the look on Ryan and Adam's face when they first started looking at the snacks. Even though I was getting really tired, I swear man it was so damn funny that it totally made my night.

You know that look on kids when they get super excited and happy or something? 


Watching two teenagers standing there laughing and giggling over food was really really funny. I didn't have to get anything to feel happy and all that; watching them was seriously good enough. What can I say? I like watching people. 

The prices weren't that bad either, so they both ended up with a bag a goodies worth around $10. 

Lastly before I really concentrate on my DBE because I'm getting so sleepy, I met Sherman on the way home, at the MRT there. Squash senior Sherman, not secondary school Sherman. I walked with him to the traffic light near S11, joking and kidding around before saying bye. A good way to end the day out too I guess. 

Alright, back to work now. Sadly. 

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