Thursday, November 28, 2013

Really? Tch.

Inline skating would have been a nice way to end the day. It was so fun playing ice and water!

Not to mention the collision between Adeline, Val and some other guy. MAN that was hilarious!

Obviously, days don't always end so nicely and seems like today's going to be one of those days. First was some random (not to mention kind of lame) message sent out by my friend to a group chat using my phone. Normally I don't care that much if the message is just plain retarded, but really now, a confession?

I'm not saying I don't take other phones to message dumb shit. Rarely, but duh of course I've done that before. But not things like that, that's just kinda weird.

Kind of neutral-annoyed at that but whatever, I guess it doesn't matter.

And then oh god. One that i promised not to tell anyone but I think expressing opinions should be fine. Judge me for all I care. And if you think I'm talking about you, then no, really, I'm not.

Seriously? What the hell are you trying to prove here?

And sadly(for me), that is all I can and will say on that. The internet is public.

I am disturbed that his ... opinion of me will become something like "that girl's seriously a bitch" but what the hell. It'll be mutual. And since I'm not going to pretend I don't hold grudges because that's a lousy lie, I'll just be quietly pissed until it burns out.

Okay back to stats to get annoyed even more.

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