Friday, October 25, 2013

Hooray, it's Friday!

Well today was good, I felt so comfortable at my mom's place until I didn't want to go home. But well, all good things come to an end!

During break time today, some of my classmates decided to engage in their favorite pastime after eating; camwhoring.

Which was actually kind of fun since everyone was so into it. We somehow ended up going gwiyomi or something but counting to ten instead of six because we deserve more than that.
Okay, that didn't actually make sense. But we took ten photos instead of six, the end.

POA class was actually not bad too, I understood what she was saying! And lets not forget the early  dismissal from stats today. Awesome or what man.

Well I can't remember what I wanted to say so its off with the household chores I ... go? I can't remember anymore either, but who cares, you get what I mean!

Yan Er

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