Saturday, October 19, 2013

It's Friday, yay

First of all, today's my cousin's birthday so 

Happy Birthday cousin Cheryl!

I sincerely hope that she had a good day because her mother was being a complete female dog during the whole dinner. Everything about her attitude just read " I don't want to be here." 

Like, hello? I don't know what problems you have but for the sake of your daughter's 21st birthday, couldn't you just try to enjoy? Your daughter for goodness sake! 

But anyway, I shouldn't comment too much. Dinner was fun! Had supper at the airport with the other cousins for a gossip session ahem ahem and headed home, which is where I am now. Like, obviously. 

Since it's a Friday, one might think that I'd be overjoyed to be home now. I thought so too, actually. 

Unfortunately, there's another ... let's say annoyance in my house right now. Thank you, bitch, for ruining my night with that horrible presence of yours, I appreciate it so much. Oh and not to mention my wonderful Father, yes how could I forget, for bringing back stray pups home for entertainment. I just know you have our interests at heart because you care so much for us. 

In case I wasn't clear enough, that was sarcasm, or at least I hope it was. 

I am pissed, but not truely pissed. 

My face is just, like, black right now. I haven't looked at my dad since reaching home and I'm pretty sure it's been around an hour. 

Anyway, since it seems like my friends aren't... online right now, I shall as my cousin if she's playing or not. De-stress people, it's important! (Did I spell that right?) 

Ugh. So much hate. And I'm honestly afraid of the future right now, come to think of it. All the 'What ifs', especially on the living situation, because either option would make me the outsider and life would just suck after that. 

Okay, big talk with dad and well, bye. 

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