Thursday, October 24, 2013

People, people, lend me your emails

Which is what I am doing, or was doing, at least. 

Waiting for people to tell me their email address but forget it, I found two out of five of them in my inbox after scrolling for a while and sent it to them so my job is done. Or partially done. 

And thank you, that one person who replied. I appreciate it so. 

I sound so bitchy now. Well, not really, but kind of. 

Right now, I don't really care though. So tired after a cranky start to the day, don't even get me started. 

And is 'sassy' a bad thing? I just remembered. 

It's just a passing (?) comment from my group mate today but well, it bothers. 

I am an introvert. Speaking in front of groups of people, or actually just presenting, used to make me freak out a lot. So uncomfortable. 

Why am I in a business school then, where such things are like, necessary? Sadly, the working world requires this kind of bloody skill of talking in front of large groups about what you researched on, so it's kind of in a way forcing myself to learn? I don't know, my reasoning anyway. 

During presentations so far, who I am in front is in a way kinda different from who I am, I guess. A persona to suit the situation? Maybe. 

But dear god that means that one of my masks is 'sassy'. And I don't even know if it's a good thing or bad! 

Well since it's 11.13pm, I shall not bother about this anymore. Instead, I shall congratulate the SP Squash team for winning gold, yay! Grats you hardcore training guys. 

Lastly, before I sign off, Bryan, I hope your foot/cut/blister/whateverhappenedtoit is better now, don't limp so much because it'll just hurt more.
 Ryan, I think your hand is okay already but ouch that was painful and I hope it's fine now. 
Oh and Greg, MAJOR OUCH on the toenail, get well soon dude. 
Ajay, don't poke the blister even it feels good to (Oh yes I know), it's supposed to help you recover faster.
Adam, you're out of shape. Exercise more man.
Mark, ........ its just an opinion but... carrying a belt in your bag might be useful. Don't scold me for this, it's just a thought. 
I don't remember if anyone else has any injuries or blisters from that impromptu street soccer today but take care y'all! I know most of you won't see this anyway. 

So, goodnight! TGIFTomorrow man. 

Yan Er 

PS. Anonymous um person(?), thanks! I sure hope it does. 

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