Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ahh a seat

Yeah just got a seat (oh yeah outram park peoplewhich is like great because my back was starting to ache again.

I should really just hold my laptop.


Nah who cares its more convienient this way!

Anyway. We were all obsessing over Adeline's (sadly) Chinese book on uh... well... what do you call it? Blood type personality whatever etc.

So according to the translations I heard from my resident Chinese geniuses, type As are nice, caring perfectionists and type Bs are the happy, forever late (ahem sounds like someone who's always denying this) and.. hmm... can't remember. Basically the uh fun and kind of happy-go-lucky I guess.

Then the ABs (no not abs) apparently have the most faults wow okay.

And lastly the majority type Os are (sigh) pragmatic and realistic people. With bad sleeping and eating habits.

And there was this horoscope mix with blood type page for compatibility thing that was like pretty funny because me and Eva were looking at blood type Os and for with ABs, a good four rows were no not good never ever.

Even more somewhat (note, somewhat) sadly was since my date is in the middle of 2 signs, I have to look at both (so much work ugh) and hm well.

Lets just say if I follow the whole zodiac reading logic thingy, then the best match is no match.

Oh, reaching kallang! That was fast. Okay signing off then!

Common blood common surname.

Yan Er.

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