Monday, January 20, 2014

That squirrel looks familiar ...

Well it's not a squirrel exactly. 

This year's birthday feels strangely similar to the one I had back in sec 2 or 3, only kind of a little more sad. 

That year, the only thing I remember doing was playing my computer games home alone while waiting for dinner. I felt pretty miserable that year, "What a lousy birthday." 

Well I had a nice dinner out anyway. 

This year? Well.. I'm home alone as usual but since I'm trying to stay off from games until the holidays, I decided bake instead. But since bread has to rise (-.-), I'm reading manga while waiting sigh.

It feels sad because I can't celebrate with my mom on the actual day itself, although dinner the other night was pretty awesome. At least I had a cake and candles to blow out too. The 'Happy Birthday' sign caught on fire halfway through heh heh heh. 

Nope, no song. Anyway. 

Usually the first person who wishes me past midnight are people closest to me, like my gal friends. This year ... was actually kinda funny now that I think of it. Mark called me while I was sleeping around 1225am and wished me before hanging up. Only I remember it as more like a dream since I was half awake and muttering who knows what into the phone. 

Well it's nice to know my friends still remember. My class definitely didn't remember. Which is kind of sad, but whatever. I wasn't expecting much from them. The time of celebrate everyone's birthday! is looong gone. No one cares to do anything anymore. 

Okay I sound whiny and ... I don't know what you call it. But hey, people want to feel special on the day they call their own and ... oh better check the dough. Oops I might have oiled it a bit too much. 

Okay enough. I want to read my manga. Bye! 

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