Friday, January 31, 2014

It's CNY !

Too lazy to blog shit these days but since I'm sitting in front of my computer and kinda slacking off while internally debating if I should be pissed off at my friend or myself, I might as well take this chance to update or something.


I mean yeah I read it about a week late oops but thanks so much darlin' you're the best xD. 

And thanks so much to Kezia and co. (Too lazy to type everyone's names), that trip out on Sunday was so fun! You guys made my 18th birthday a little less lame than it really was. 

Not to mention that super cool pocket watch you guys got me. 

Athough I think I'm going to have trouble reading it, haha! 

I mean, I can't even read analogue watches properly so you've gotta expect some problems with roman numerals, right?

Right. Yes. It's not because I suck at reading time. Of course it's not because of that pshhhh.

Okay I want to get back to my drawing. I am so so so so going to complete that music project man. 

Speaking of music, I finally got out my storyline for GenEd! Oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh man sigh of relief but not really because deadline's next week oops so screwed. 

I feel like I sound high or something. But I didn't eat any chocolates. 

OOPS I mean't sweets. Why did I type that? 

I mean, yeah, I did down some chocolates. (SO FAT ugh). 

Who cares. Actually I do but pft who cares.

Okay bye to those stalkers who still stalk this. You have little life. 

Happy Lunar New Year! 

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