Monday, January 27, 2014


I don't know if its because of my mood swings that I'm feeling so frustrated now but I'm pretty sure its a contributing factor.

Having to shuffle in between houses every now and then makes me feel a little annoyed and unhappy already. I really really hate it. No one should have to do that.

Moreover, I've been hearing that from my mom since young. "Those poor kids have to shuffle from house to house, so terrible. When parents divorce, its always the kids who suffer."

Yet years later I've joined the group of 'poor things' who have to shuffle time between both parents since one is no longer a constant in their life.

I don't want to say FML MY LIFE SUCKS I HATE MY LIFE because right now, its not as bad as it could have been. I want to appreciate that my mom is still alive and well, I want to be thankful my dad still loves and cares for us.

Yet at times like this when I get so frustrated, my whole mind just screams how much life sucks. Get so torn between the two feelings you know?

Half of me knows that if I smile and tell myself everything is fine, if I smile then I'll feel better, and.the other half just wants to wallow in self-pity.

When oh when will I learn not to leave my projects to the last minute

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