Saturday, January 25, 2014



Some classmate (M---) said he could sell his kidney for 700k and 'any offers?' On twitter.

I mean its probably a 'just saying' thing but ugh -.-

Is he accepting installments? Because even if its his, if it matches my mom then Hell yes I want it. Its like, people need that kidney. And you're thinking of the 700k? You think leave yourself one kidney is okay? HAH. That soccer fanatic probably doesn't know that he can't play soccer much anymore with just one kidney. Jeez.

And ugh that 'donation' thing. I mean, those tin boxes one I think is okay. At least if I want to donate $2 or $0.20, its completely my choice. Because that's how donations should be, voluntary and from the heart.

Not some random guilt trip you pull on people as their walking down the street with food in their hands or something. 'Just ten dollars only.'

I'm sorry my dear but in case you haven't noticed, which you did because you pointed it out to me, I am a student. I do not have a fixed income. I live on an allowance which grows smaller with inflation. As much as I am considered more well off than those you are trying to ... help, I cannot afford to fork out $10 as if it were $0.10 to buy a dubious looking voucher.

There is no choice to donate a dollar or something. 'Must be $10.'

Charity is voluntary! If I'm not volunteering, don't guilt trip me or force me to donate more than i want to or can! Honestly.

Plus. I am not going to donate money just to have a percentage of it go to you as commission. Commission... for what? Running around selling vouchers? Its like doing sales under the righteous sounding name of charity. Those secondary school girls are giving their morning to help the needy for free. That is called charity.

The vouchers? I call that sales.

Yeah yeah say I'm wrong or whatever. Charity is a choice. So quit guilt-tripping.

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